Friday, 19 July 2013

ZS Project: New 'Subject 42' design

It's been quite a week, I have managed to land myself some work experience in the design studio at the museum, where I work as a sales assistant. I am volunteering one day a week up in the design studio - last week was an induction, getting my CV and portfolio sorted out. This week I am assisting on a project in the Royal Observatory, which so far is pretty exciting and I am looking forward to next week. Most of the work that I have been doing is Illustrator based, good for me as since uni I haven't used it much and a little rusty.

After producing some concept designs for 'ZS: Fragments' I have gone back to the drawing board to spruce up the Subject 42 cover. The plan is to make all covers in the ZS series have a continuity element - using same fonts and placement in the title, use of background colour and some sort of design within the 'Squidhead' to somehow capture an element of the story. Below is a new example of this.
Design© Chris Hill 2013
Design© Chris Hill 2013